Tuesday, February 25, 2014

263.6 - time to pull out the big guns

It's been over a year since I posted, mainly because I was just maintaining.  Not really trying, not really NOT trying, just staying the same.
Then I started a new job, and the pounds started packing on - and staying a while.
I left that job after only a few months, but left with an extra 5 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight.  Now, I know what you're saying "So what - 5 lbs - boo hoo!"  But to me, that was the number I always felt like - as long as I was under my pre pregnancy weight, I'd be okay.  I wasn't under there anymore.  It was not okay.
I felt like those stupid 5 lbs actually made my knees hurt. 
My clothes don't fit.
5. Stupid. Pounds.

So....I completely pulled out the big guns and I started Optifast today.  It's a all liquid diet - medically supervised - through one of our local hospitals.  There were 3 options - 1)  a 1200 calorie diet of healthy foods, 2) 3 shakes a day, and 1 meal, or 3)  5 shakes a day. 
I chose 5 shakes a day.
Go big or go home, right?

Well, it's my first day and I'm white knuckling it right now.  I have 1 more shake to drink, but I'm trying to hold off so I don't wake up at 2 am starving.

I'm going to do this as long as I can - as long as I can stand it. 

I'm told it gets easier.

I hope so

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