Friday, February 28, 2014

Days 1-4 - a review of Optifast Full Fast

I meant to do 4 individual posts, but this is the first time I could actually sit down at my computer.  Here are the first 4 days -

Day 1 - Lets just shock the system!  I ended up eating food for breakfast - kind of a "requiem for a meal",  and then went to my appointment at 10 am and started at that point.  I had 3 shakes that day.  I was ravenously hungry, and completely white knuckled it in the evening.  Ended up going to bed early so I didn't have to deal with the hunger.   Hunger scale - 10/10 (I wanted to eat my own arm-type hungry)

Day 2 - A bit shaky (no pun intended!!  Okay, maybe a little pun intended.). I was afraid I would have woken up in the middle of the night starving, but I didn't.  I even woke up because my son needed an emergency monster truck fix ("Mommy, I need my Spiderman truck!!") at 3:30 am.  I was able to go right back to sleep.  I was hungry, but not like day 1.  I pretty much drank and peed all day.  I was counting the seconds to my next shake.  I'm glad I didn't work.  I did have to go into my own business, but by 6 pm I just couldn't function.  I was tired, freezing and thirsty.  I went to bed at 9.  Hunger level - 8/10

Day 3 - I had to work today - 10 hours.  I made sure I had all my fluids and shakes with me, and I told my boss what I was doing, so if I had to make frequent bathroom breaks, and stop every few hours for a shake, she knew what was going on.  I was really tired by the end of the day.  I also had to stay 45 minutes later than expected, which threw off my shake schedule.  I ended up getting extra hungry, and inhaled my soup for supper.  I then got a headache because I was so hungry, and went to bed early again after taking some ibuprofen and snapping at my mom for calling me up to tell me what she had for supper (so sorry, Mom!!)
I got a call during the day from the nutritionist just checking in on me.  I was so glad she called!  I had a ton of questions to ask her.  I found out I can have low sodium broth, which is great, to cut the sweetness of the shakes.  It made me feel more secure.   Hunger Level -7/10

Day 4 - I had to work today, but I was going to breakfast with my mom first.  Proper planning was the trick here.  I had to drop the kids off at their morning class first, I was tired in the morning, but nothing unbearable.  I mixed my shake right before I left in my new Oster personal blender, grabbed a straw and I was on my way!  I did end up being late to the class, but they're 3 - I'm sure it won't effect graduation ;-).  I brought my mom to a local coffee shop, and I had a large tea with Sweet N Low, and she had a coffee.  It was really nice, and I drank my shake and my tea.  I then went to work, and I had a slow day because I had time to do paperwork.  Just what  needed - a day where I wasn't killing myself seeing 24 patients in 5 hours.  I was able to stop and have my shakes when I needed it, and drink plenty of water.  I really started to feel good this afternoon, so much so that I didn't start feeling hungry until 3:10, and I had my shake at 3:30.  Then, when I got home, I wasn't hungry for my soup - but I had it anyway.  I added some pepper to my chicken soup, and it tasted much better.  I was dreading having to eat that straight again!  Hunger level - 4/10.

I was told that the first 5 days are the worst.  I'm so happy I'm at the end of day 4!  I'm going to remember this, because if I break the fast, and I have to go through this again, I may just jump off a bridge!

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