Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pic time!

I love pic monkey.  What an great website!  My best friend in Georgia really wanted an updated picture of me, so I decided to have a little fun with pic monkey, and made these fun collages.

This is the before and after of my 45.8 lb loss  -  

                                                Before             33 lb loss          45.8 lb loss

Sometimes you don't notice the difference until you actually see the picture side by side.
So, I am 4.2 lbs away from a 50 lb weight loss.  I'm pushing myself to see how close I can get to that for next weigh in.  On full fast, I was loosing about 4 lbs/week, so it very well may take me 2 weeks, but I'm going to try!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Week 13 - Down 3.7 lbs - 45.8 lbs down 217.6 lbs

Ahhh, that's better.  That is the type of weight loss I'm used to. 
The fevers are gone, I'm drinking my water, and all is right with the world.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

12 weeks - down 1.1 lbs - 42.1 lbs total. 221.3

Hmph.  1.1 lbs. 
Not stellar, seeing that I've been sick since Monday and could barely get the calories in.  Well, in all reality, I didn't get all the calories in. I know I didn't get my water in. 
But still, 1.1 lbs?  that's it??
Big picture - I've lost an average of 3.5 lbs/week. 
Well, this can happen.  I'm sure next week will be better.
I need to stay focused, and seeing that I've been spiking fevers all week, maybe have a few more calories to knock this thing once and for all!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Week 11 - down 3.4 lbs - total 41.0 lbs - 222.4

I've just completed week 11 on Optifast, and my first week on modified (3 shakes and 1 meal) and I lost!  I was really curious to see how much I could actually loose while eating, and I'm pleased with 3.4 lbs.

Personally, I'm so glad I did full fast first.  It completely broke my food habits.  It's nice to be able to eat food again, and I'm really glad to be out of ketosis (I was sick of eating mints all the time!), but I needed that break.  I needed to "reset" and to figure out other ways to deal with stress, boredom, etc.

It's more tempting to cheat now, but I haven't.  Every time I want to, I realize I haven't found a reason good enough to cheat.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Down another size!

Another victory!  The new pair of pants I bought 7 weeks ago are now way too big on me.  I tried on 16W, and they slipped right on!  So now, I have 3 new pairs of work pants and 1 new pair of jeans - and a couple more shirts from the misses side of the store.  
It was very motivating, seeing I switched to modified this week.  I never believed you could eat food and loose weight, but I guess you can!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

week 10 - another 4 lb loss - 37.6 lbs - 225.8

10 weeks down - 37.6 lbs gone.  I feel awesome!  No back discomfort, my knees and hips aren't stiff.  I feel like it's just so much easier to move around.

I decided it's time to switch to modified. 

I'm a little nervous about it, because I have lost 4 lbs for 3 out of the past 4 weeks.  But, it's time. So, my chef husband and I went shopping, and after my weigh in today, he made me a yummy scallop, cod and green bean meal. 

5 oz of scallops, 1 oz of cod, and 6 oz (3 servings) of green beans.

I'm uncomfortably full right now. 

It's just a lot of volume.  I feel bloated.  Bleh.

I'm off to drink even more lemon water, and let my body remember how to digest food. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

9 weeks down - and 4 more pounds! 33.4 lbs - 229.8

I'm officially in the 220's!  Barely, but I'm there.
I'm going to do full fast for another 2-3 weeks, then transfer to modified. 
I'm told I can still loose weight while eating food.  I'm not sure I believe them, but it's time to try.