Thursday, June 26, 2014

week 17 - 210.0 - 53.4 lbs down - 1.5 lb loss

The scale is still moving, but it's definitely starting to slow down.  I figure I'm dealing with fat that has been with me since my early 20's.  It wants to hang around for a bit!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I'm a numbers type of gal.  If I can measure something ( lbs, inches, etc), then I'm happy.  In my program, I get measured every 8 weeks.  I felt like the first 8 weeks took forever, but the 2nd 8 weeks was quick - next thing I knew, I was getting measured again. 

Original measurements               8 week measurements              16 week measurements     total loss:
    2/25/14                                      4/24/14                                          6/19/14
Weight - 262.2                                 233.8                                            211.5          

upper arm
    Left - 14.75                                   14.25                                          14                                    .75
    Right - 16                                      15                                               14                                      2

Forearm - 11                                      10.5                                            10.25                              .75(2)

Waist - 40                                          38                                               35.5                                 4.5

Abdomen 42.5                                   39                                               37                                     5.5

Hips - 53                                            49                                               47                                    6

Thigh - 29                                          26                                                24.5                                4.5 (2)

Calf - 19.5                                         19                                                 18.5                                 1 (2)

So, in 16 weeks, I have lost 50.7 lbs, and 31.25 inches.  That is over 2 1/2 feet of girth that is gone. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Week 16 - 2.7 week loss - 51.9 loss - 211.5

I finally lost 50!
Apparently, TTOM had something to do with my little loss last week.

Next goal - get under 200....

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week 15 - 1.2 lbs - 49.2 lbs - 214.2

1.2 lbs.  1. freakin 2 lbs. 
I was angry with myself when I stepped on the scale.  I was angry because I knew the small loss was completely and utterly my fault. 
Why was it my fault?
The nibbling. 
I realized this week that another one of my food triggers is nice weather.
This week, the weather *finally* got really, really nice.  And apparently, then the weather is nice, I want to be a little lax on my eating. 
I can add up what I had that wasn't on plan:

Crusts of PB&J
A quarter of a grilled cheese
a couple of bites of lo mein
2 pieces of sweet and sour chicken.
.... and this is just what I can remember.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but apparently to me, it was. 

So, when the pity party was over, I sat down and realized that I have another trigger to work on.  Just because the weather is nice doesn't mean I can relax.

Back on the horse tomorrow - next week I'll hit that 50 mark!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Week 14 - down 2.2 lbs - 215.4 - total loss 48.0

Pretty decent loss this week. 
I'm noticing how angular I am.  My shoulders are more angular, and when I stretch, I see my ribs.  My collarbone is becoming more prominent.  and my legs are getting smaller. 

Last time I was this weight, I was 22 and in nursing school.
