Tuesday, December 13, 2011

255.0 - Wait - wrong way!

So, I have admittantly slacked off the past 2 weeks.  I've planned less meals, I've tracked less - basically, I've not followed the program.  And it shows.  I could make up excuses like "work has been really busy lately", or "I can't get to the gym because of their childcare times" or "the dog ate my homework."  Whatever my excuse is, that is all it is - an excuse.  I'm getting back on track now - healthy meals, healthy snacks, portion control.  I'm ready to get the scale moving in the right direction.
I have this week off of work (yay!).  I'm going to a medical conference at the end of the week, but for now, I can just enjoy the family. These are my boys - Jonathan and James.  Adorable 13 month old monkeys - they bring such joy to my heart, and they are my main motivation to get heatlhy. 
I work in the healthcare field - but it really should be called "sickcare".  I don't care for they healthy - I put band aids on the sick, who would rather take a pill then change their lifestyle.  I continue to prescribe numerous inhalers and steroids to those with breathing problems who will not quit their pack a day habit.  I give medication to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and back pain to the morbidly obese - who continue to drink soda and eat 4,000 calories a day - mostly fast food and junk - and wouldn't think of exercising or weight loss.  After 10-12 hours of this a day it's no wonder why I'm drained and disenchanted.  I look at myself, as I am considered morbidly obese, and think I need to not only preach health to these patients, but I need to DO what I'm preaching.  I, luckily, do not have the health problems associated with obesity - yet.  There is no guarantee it won't happen to me, though. 
SO....as a good example to my patients, and my beautiful baby boys, I will get back on that wagon, stop making excuses, and continue to loose weight and get healthy.

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