Tuesday, November 29, 2011

253.4 - Should this even count??

So, I weighed in on Sunday, but wasn't able to blog about it today.  Let me catch you up on what's been happening.

THURSDAY - Great day.  We went to my parent's house, I ate whatever I wanted, because I saved all my free points for this day so I could enjoy it.  I ate turkey, I ate fresh green beans, I ate mashed potatoes, but what I realized is there were so many carb-rich foods there - foods that I would have gone back for 2nds and 3rds, that I barely finished the first helping.  I still ate approximately 55 points, but it was worth it!

FRIDAY - worked at my 2nd job, did fine until about 1:30, when I started with a stomachache.  I didn't think much of it - figured it was to coffee from this morning.  At 2:30, Dave called me, vomiting, asking me to come home early to help with the kids.  Just then, a patient signed in.  I'm schedule to leave at 3 pm anyway, and that was when I finished with that patient.  Really feeling bad when I got home, and I, too, started vomiting at about 4 pm.  Dave (lucky soul), only vomited twice and just felt bad after that.  I, however, won the grand prize and vomited every.single.hour. all night long.

SATURDAY - Still sick and vomiting,  feel like I've been smited for some reason.  In my deleriousness of dehydration and general sickiness, I managed to eat 2 pieces of dry toast, 4 oz of ginger ale, and some egg drop soup. 

SUNDAY - weight in day.  Wow - lost 4 pounds the week of Thanksgiving, huh?  Well, seeing that I really think I vomited my spleen somewhere around 2:30 Saturday morning, I'm not surprised.  I didn't even know if I should count it - but I did.

MONDAY - feeling better, but now both kids have a cold, and Mom has a version of the hell that I caught on Friday, so she can't take the kids.  I called in sick and just tried to put the house back together.  That didn't work - what was I thinking??!?  I have two 13 month old tornados!!

TUESDAY - I'm loosing it a bit.  I've either been cooped up sick, or cooped up with sick kids for 5 days.  For the first time since starting WW, I ate because of boredom.  I knew I wasn't hungry, and I knew it was a bad idea, but I ate a bunch of vanilla wafers out of pure boredom - like, 12 points worth of vanilla wafers.  I'm dissappointed in myself, but I know tomorrow is a new day.  I'm going to yoga tonight, and I have a great dinner planned - turkey enchalidas (great way to use up the turkey!)  

So, that catches you up - stuffed myself silly on Thursday, got the sickest I've been in years (that didn't include appletinis and a little B&E with a shady boss of mine) on Friday and Saturday, then trying to get back to normal on Monday and Tuesday. 

My plan is to go take an anti gravity yoga class tonight with a dear friend of mine, and swing away my problems - and my vanilla wafers!

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