Sunday, November 20, 2011

257.4 - Not bad for the first week.

Week 1 STATS:
4 AP earned - 1 gym work out
31 Weekly Points used (18 left)
Recommended veggies eaten - 6/7 days
Recommended dairy eaten - 6/7 days
Recommended water intake - 2/7 days

Actually, pretty darn good for the first week!  I know most of it was water weight, but it's nice to think at least SOME of it was fat!

Overall, I was pretty satisfied as far as hunger goes.  There were a couple of days I was hungry, there was one night that the hunger woke me up, and this morning I was very, very hungry.  I'm trying to see if there is a pattern, like carbs the night before or something like that. 

Exercise - man, this is a hard one to get in!  Like everything else, I need to plan for it.  I had every intention of going to Church this morning (another thing I've been very slack on, but that's a different post for a different day) and then to the gym.  the YMCA has Childwatch 8:30-12:30 on Sat and Sun.  Well, the boys woke up at 5:30 this morning, very cranky.  I think James is teething - or at least I hope that's what it is.  Well, that threw off the morning, and now, at 8 AM, they're both down for a morning nap.  Hopefully they will be up in time for me to get to the gym.

I'm not making excuses for exercise - but this is the reality.  I work 3 long days a week, sometimes 4 if I'm called into my 2nd job.  My boys tend to do morning naps and not afternoon naps, and Childwatch is closed from 1:30-4 (prime time for me to go).  It doesn't make it impossible, but it definitely makes it challenging.

Water intake - I've always sucked at this.  I've never been one to drink fluids - just never felt thirsty.  Once I became a nurse, and worked in the ER, I almost never drank during my shift  - we never had time to pee, so what was the point?  Even to this day, I just forget to grab a drink during my meal.  Sometime I get home from work at 7 pm, and realized I've had 4 oz of fluid all day.  I know this isn't good.  I know this can effect metabolism, kidney function, etc. I lecture people on this all the time, but still, I have a swig or two of water, crystal light, OJ, whatever is the quickest and easiest in the morning, and that is it until I get home from work, which is anywhere from 7 pm to 9:30 pm.  This is a hard habit to break.  It's a necessary habit to break, but still hard. 


1)  Get some type of exercise 2 x this week
2)  Drink at least 6 glasses of fluid, 4 of which will be water
3)  Loose 1 lb (It is Thanksgiving, after all!  I'm not expecting maricles!)

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