Thursday, November 3, 2011

small goals

I was at work yesterday, and we had a meeting about goal setting with our patients.  As our nutritioinist was talking, my mind wandered to how I can apply this to my weight loss goals.  The whole point was to set realistic goals that can be achieved by the next visit.  I thought this was a great way to start my weight loss.

I don't expect to loose weight this week -  I feel I"m still getting my bearings to make weight loss stick.

What is your goal?  My goal is to loose 10 lbs in by January 1st.
How are you going to achieve this goal?   I'm going to exercise more, and eat healthier.
On a scale of 1-10, what do you think your success will be?  I feel my success will be an 8/10 for healthier eating, a 7/10 for exercise, and I'm not sure about weight loss - maybe 5/10.

My more specific goals are:

Exercise:  I would like to get to the gym at least 2 times a week, participating in at least 30 minutes in cardio.

Diet:  After reading the most recent US News and World Report, it appears the DASH diet is the best diet.  (Click here for the article).  I really don't see how it's very different from South Beach Diet.  I have PCOS, so I know 1)  Low carb diets are better for me, and 2)  diet is more important for weight loss for me than exercise.  This is going to be very hard, because I'm a foodie.  I'm also an emotional eater.  It's a loose/loose situation.  I eat when I'm happy, sad, nervous, worried, excited, bored, or scared.  I use food as a reward, as my entertainment, as a comforter and a therapist.  I know I need to change my relationshiip with food. goal for an eating plan this week is to incorporate vegetables in at least 2 veggies.

These are my goals.  Let's see how this works!

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