Tuesday, November 15, 2011

262.4 - Here we go!

So, in the past few days, I've returned to the gym, and after much contemplation, I joined Weight Watchers Online. I was originally going to try to do it on my own, but I figured I've been trying to do it on my own, and it wasn't working, I debated for a long time between WW and SBD, and I ultimately decided WW because they changed their point system. So far it's been 2 days. I know you're thinking "it's only been 2 days" but baby steps, my dears. I also went to the gym on Saturday with the babies (James loved it, Jonathan is getting some stranger anxiety, so he wasn't thrilled with the whole experience) and met a really nice woman who was a great motivator. I signed up for a 12 week program where they help you stay on track with exercise, healthy living, etc. Unfortunately, we all have colds, so I may not be going back for a few days.

I'm very serious about weight loss right now, so I'm riding out the motivation and let's see how far it takes me!

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