Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yay! My computer is "fixed"!

It was never really, broken, really, but I couldn't figure out how to log on with Firefox.  I would have to go to our antiquated desktop to post.  Well, due to the fact that our desktop showed the Blue Screen of Death, I was forced to change the settings on my lapop, and - viola!- I can post!

So, as of 1/1/12 - I was 260.  It was a rough holiday week.  No excuses - I ate too much.  I enjoyed cookies and fudge. I ate prime rib and finished it up with pie.  My boss even brought me in a scotch egg - a glorious invention that is a hard boiled egg, wrapped in ham, and rolled in corn flakes and fried.  I had it with mustard - and a side of Lipitor.  My boss is a foodie, too, and he's an AMAZING cook.  For New Years, I enjoyed a few sangrias, some cheese Alouette and crackers, and hot wings. Soo...I wasn't surprised when I stepped on he scale and I was back up there.

Since then, I've been going back down.  Weigh in is tomorrow - and I feel pretty good.

One thing I did get for Christmas was a brand new DSLR Canon Rebel camera!!!  I've taken so many great pictures (99% of them of my boys) and I absolutely LOVE IT!!  As soon as I figure out how to watermark my pictures, I'll be posting more.

So, until tomorrow's weigh in....have a great night!

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