Monday, July 23, 2012

257 - The Little Engine That Could...

That's how I feel today.  I'm just chugging along - drinking my water, measuring my food, weighing my chicken.  I'm moving as much as I can, while finding that balance between work/home life/self. 

Didn't quite make that goal - nail polish still sitting on my desk.  Maybe next week...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

258.0 - Just Sayin...

I'm sore.  Well, maybe sore isn't the right word.  I feel intense burning and pain every time I straighten my legs - in my hamstrings, my glutes, and my hips.  So much so it would wake me up from a sound sleep last night.  Ibuprofen is my BFF right now. I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin.  And while I'm just sayin, I'm just hobblin, too. 

I came across an interesting facebook page the other day called "How to loose 100+ pounds".  Apparently this woman was 278 lbs at the beginning of her journey, and through exercise and calorie cutting, she lost 100 lbs.  "Good for her!" I thought.  She posts inspirational quotes and pictures about 15 times a day on her site - those feel good-type motivational quotes.  She also has a book which I downloaded.  She suggested making a main goal, and breaking it down further and further until you have daily goals.

Here's my breakdown:

WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs
QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs.
MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs.
WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs.

60 lbs seems like a lot, but when it's broken down, it's much more manageable.

Weekly, I'm going to add different goals, too.  This week, I'm going to exercise at least 3 times, and I'm going to have at least 2 water bottles full of water.

She also recommended I have another goal besides just the number on the scale. I've decided my goal is going to be to do a sprint triathalon by the end of next summer.  I have to add that into my goal setting, too, so:

WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs and have chosen a sprint Tri.

QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs. - This quarter, I will look into local Sprint Tris going on in the area this summer to see which ones I 'd like to do next summer.
MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs. - This month, I will work on increasing my cardio by doing different exercises
WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs.  - this week, I will exercise at least 3 times.

The last thing she mentioned was making sure you have rewards in place.  Lets add those to the list, too:

WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs and have chosen a sprint Tri. My reward will be a wonderful trip somewhere - site TBD.

QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs. - This quarter, I will look into local Sprint Tris going on in the area this summer to see which ones I 'd like to do next summer.  My reward for accomplishing these goals this quarter will be a new outfit.

MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs. - This month, I will work on increasing my cardio by doing different exercises.  My reward will be a pedicure - and when I hit 10 lbs I will get a massage.

WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs.  - this week, I will exercise at least 3 times. My reward will be a Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt.  (I know, I shouldn't use food as a reward, but I have twins - it's really hard to schedule things without them with just a week's notice!)

 I weighed in today - I'm going to keep my Sunday morning weigh-ins, even though I re-started on Thursday. 
I also did my measurements today - not pretty, to say the least.

Well, I'm almost half way there to my 5 lb monthly goal, and I already have my nail polish out for an upcoming pedicure. It's on my desk, next to my computer, just waiting to be used.  Just sayin.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Skewed estimation-o-meter

Yesterday was a good day. I tracked everything, and ended up using all my points by lunch.  Ouch!  Well, I see why it's important to keep measuring and tracking.  What I thought was 5 points of peanut butter ended up being 11 points.  No wonder I gained back my weight!  So, after lunch I took a walk with the boys to the library - something I love doing, but seeing it about 110 degrees with 362% humidity, it wasn't the best idea.  Nevertheless, I did walk 2 miles (round trip to the library) pushing the boys and believe you me, I made sure to track that!

I find if I plan something into the day, like exercise, I'm more apt to actually follow through.  My boys have been sleeping in, and I figured I would go first thing in the morning before they even woke up and be back right at breakfast time. This was going to be great - I'd get in a 30 minute walk on the treadmill and feel good about it. I slip out of the house, leaving my sleeping husband to watch the sleeping babies,  I get to the YMCA at 7:45.  I see there is a class called "Interval Training" at 8 am - it's a class that alternates step and weights.  "Oh please," I thought " no problem!  I just hope I get enough of a work out with this class."  Yeah...I overestimated my fitness level.  Just because I used to do 2-3 spin classes a week doesn't mean I'm still at that level apparently, because about 3 minutes into the warm up I wanted to send up a flare and wave my white flag.  60 minutes of this - really??!?!  Holy Guacamole!! Yes, I realized quite quickly I would have no problem getting in an adequate work out. On an intensity level of 1 - 10, my treadmill work out would have been about a 5 (when I thought it was closer to an 8) and the class was hovering around a 45.

Like so many of us, I realized I underestimate the amount of points/calories in food, and overestimate the level of difficulty in the exercises I do.  

It was a heck of a work out, but I know this was the hardest day.  Next week it will be easier.   And hopefully next time I won't need an 1 1/2 hour nap!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

And this is why I call it a "rollercoaster"....260.4

After a little hiatus, I'm back - 7 lbs heavier.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure I gained those 7 lbs in 2 days - just 'cause that's how I roll. 
I feel like it takes me moving heaven and earth to loose 5 lbs, which I can gain back after a really yummy meal at Outback.

I'm feeling more and more like myself as the days go by....I can now think of my dad without bursting out crying (although I do shed a few tears now and then).  I know I'm nowhere near normal (well, to be fair, I don't think I was ever "normal"), but let's just say I'm closer to fine.

So, today marks the 2 month mark until Dave goes back to school, and I thought this was a perfect re-starting off point.

I wanted to start from the beginning with the reasons I'm on this journey --

"What are the reasons I want to loose weight?"

1)  Now that the boys are getting older, I find myself sitting on the floor playing with them more (blocks, cars, etc).  I want to be able to get up and down from sitting on the floor easier - without having to use a crane.

2)  I want the boys to see me eating well and exercising.

3)  I know I'm at a higher risk of developing diabetes, since I had it during pregnancy.  I want to avoid that.

4)  I counsel over 85% of my patients a day on their weight and why it's important to loose weight.  Spending that much time talking to people about the importance of a normal BMI is sinking in.

5)  I want to delay developing arthritis, which is reeking havoc on my mom's hips, knees and back.

6)  I want to stop having back discomfort - started from lifting a patient, exacerbated by my twin pregnancy, and continues b/c I'm a Fatty McButterpants. 

7)  It would be nice to be active and afterwards not have body aches and walk like an 80 year old Parkinson's disease patient with a prosthetic leg.

8)  I'd like to motivate my husband, Dave, into eating healthier and loosing weight, too, to help his diabetes.  I want to keep him around for as long as possible.

I think these are 8 good reasons to keep me motivated for a little while.

I'm off to re-visit my Weight Watchers account and see what I'm going to have for breakfast. 

Here we go again......WEEEeeeeeeee!!