Thursday, July 5, 2012

And this is why I call it a "rollercoaster"....260.4

After a little hiatus, I'm back - 7 lbs heavier.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure I gained those 7 lbs in 2 days - just 'cause that's how I roll. 
I feel like it takes me moving heaven and earth to loose 5 lbs, which I can gain back after a really yummy meal at Outback.

I'm feeling more and more like myself as the days go by....I can now think of my dad without bursting out crying (although I do shed a few tears now and then).  I know I'm nowhere near normal (well, to be fair, I don't think I was ever "normal"), but let's just say I'm closer to fine.

So, today marks the 2 month mark until Dave goes back to school, and I thought this was a perfect re-starting off point.

I wanted to start from the beginning with the reasons I'm on this journey --

"What are the reasons I want to loose weight?"

1)  Now that the boys are getting older, I find myself sitting on the floor playing with them more (blocks, cars, etc).  I want to be able to get up and down from sitting on the floor easier - without having to use a crane.

2)  I want the boys to see me eating well and exercising.

3)  I know I'm at a higher risk of developing diabetes, since I had it during pregnancy.  I want to avoid that.

4)  I counsel over 85% of my patients a day on their weight and why it's important to loose weight.  Spending that much time talking to people about the importance of a normal BMI is sinking in.

5)  I want to delay developing arthritis, which is reeking havoc on my mom's hips, knees and back.

6)  I want to stop having back discomfort - started from lifting a patient, exacerbated by my twin pregnancy, and continues b/c I'm a Fatty McButterpants. 

7)  It would be nice to be active and afterwards not have body aches and walk like an 80 year old Parkinson's disease patient with a prosthetic leg.

8)  I'd like to motivate my husband, Dave, into eating healthier and loosing weight, too, to help his diabetes.  I want to keep him around for as long as possible.

I think these are 8 good reasons to keep me motivated for a little while.

I'm off to re-visit my Weight Watchers account and see what I'm going to have for breakfast. 

Here we go again......WEEEeeeeeeee!!

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