Yesterday was a good day. I tracked everything, and ended up using all my points by lunch. Ouch! Well, I see why it's important to keep measuring and tracking. What I thought was 5 points of peanut butter ended up being 11 points. No wonder I gained back my weight! So, after lunch I took a walk with the boys to the library - something I love doing, but seeing it about 110 degrees with 362% humidity, it wasn't the best idea. Nevertheless, I did walk 2 miles (round trip to the library) pushing the boys and believe you me, I made sure to track that!
I find if I plan something into the day, like exercise, I'm more apt to actually follow through. My boys have been sleeping in, and I figured I would go first thing in the morning before they even woke up and be back right at breakfast time. This was going to be great - I'd get in a 30 minute walk on the treadmill and feel good about it. I slip out of the house, leaving my sleeping husband to watch the sleeping babies, I get to the YMCA at 7:45. I see there is a class called "Interval Training" at 8 am - it's a class that alternates step and weights. "Oh please," I thought " no problem! I just hope I get enough of a work out with this class." Yeah...I overestimated my fitness level. Just because I used to do 2-3 spin classes a week doesn't mean I'm still at that level apparently, because about 3 minutes into the warm up I wanted to send up a flare and wave my white flag. 60 minutes of this - really??!?! Holy Guacamole!! Yes, I realized quite quickly I would have no problem getting in an adequate work out. On an intensity level of 1 - 10, my treadmill work out would have been about a 5 (when I thought it was closer to an 8) and the class was hovering around a 45.
Like so many of us, I realized I underestimate the amount of points/calories in food, and overestimate the level of difficulty in the exercises I do.
It was a heck of a work out, but I know this was the hardest day. Next week it will be easier. And hopefully next time I won't need an 1 1/2 hour nap!
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