I'm sore. Well, maybe sore isn't the right word. I feel intense burning and pain every time I straighten my legs - in my hamstrings, my glutes, and my hips. So much so it would wake me up from a sound sleep last night. Ibuprofen is my BFF right now. I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin. And while I'm just sayin, I'm just hobblin, too.
I came across an interesting facebook page the other day called "How to loose 100+ pounds". Apparently this woman was 278 lbs at the beginning of her journey, and through exercise and calorie cutting, she lost 100 lbs. "Good for her!" I thought. She posts inspirational quotes and pictures about 15 times a day on her site - those feel good-type motivational quotes. She also has a book which I downloaded. She suggested making a main goal, and breaking it down further and further until you have daily goals.
Here's my breakdown:
WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs
QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs.
MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs.
WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs.
60 lbs seems like a lot, but when it's broken down, it's much more manageable.
Weekly, I'm going to add different goals, too. This week, I'm going to exercise at least 3 times, and I'm going to have at least 2 water bottles full of water.
She also recommended I have another goal besides just the number on the scale. I've decided my goal is going to be to do a sprint triathalon by the end of next summer. I have to add that into my goal setting, too, so:
WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs and have chosen a sprint Tri.
QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs. - This quarter, I will look into local Sprint Tris going on in the area this summer to see which ones I 'd like to do next summer.
MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs. - This month, I will work on increasing my cardio by doing different exercises
WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs. - this week, I will exercise at least 3 times.
The last thing she mentioned was making sure you have rewards in place. Lets add those to the list, too:
WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs and have chosen a sprint Tri. My reward will be a wonderful trip somewhere - site TBD.
QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs. -
This quarter, I will look into local Sprint Tris going on in the area
this summer to see which ones I 'd like to do next summer. My reward for accomplishing these goals this quarter will be a new outfit.
MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs. - This month, I will work on increasing my cardio by doing different exercises. My reward will be a pedicure - and when I hit 10 lbs I will get a massage.
WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs. - this week, I will exercise at least 3 times. My reward will be a Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt. (I know, I shouldn't use food as a reward, but I have twins - it's really hard to schedule things without them with just a week's notice!)
I weighed in today - I'm going to keep my Sunday morning weigh-ins, even though I re-started on Thursday.
I also did my measurements today - not pretty, to say the least.
Well, I'm almost half way there to my 5 lb monthly goal, and I already have my nail polish out for an upcoming pedicure. It's on my desk, next to my computer, just waiting to be used. Just sayin.
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