Thursday, July 10, 2014

Week 19 - 0.8 lb lost - 208.0 - total loss 55.4 lbs

Small loss this week, but it's still a loss.  I went to Olive Garden on Wednesday, so I woke up on Thursday with water retention.  I expected it.  No excuses, but I never knew how much salt is in restaurant food, and how many carbs are in those meals!  I really couldn't find an appropriate meal that kept me on program, so I had the soup, salad & breadsticks - only I didn't eat the soup, I had 3 servings of salad, and 1 breadstick.    Up until now, I've been able to find appropriate food at whatever restaurant we've visited. 

At my visit today, the doctor mentioned that my program ended on July 22nd.

Up until then, the end of the program didn't even cross my mind.  I felt a little panicked - I mean, I've lost over 55 lbs, but I still have another 45 to go...I can't stop now!!

Apparently, it just means I have the option to go to Masters program, which is more of a maintenance group, and I get weighed in and see the doctor monthly.  I can still eat shakes/bars, I still get measured every 8 weeks, and see the nutritionist.  So, it's an opportunity for me to use the tools I have to keep up the weight loss, and then keep the weight off.

So, in 2 weeks, I'm going to leave the nest - to go to a bigger, less structured nest.

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