Friday, July 18, 2014

Week 20 - 207.6 - down 0.4 lbs - total 55.8

My weight loss is definitely slowing down, but I'm still loosing.  It's slowing down partly because it's harder to loose weight when you're smaller, and partly because I'm transitioning to food.  My transition to food is temporary - we're going on vacation, and it's easier to eat food than to carry shakes/bars with me.  So, I'm learning to eat again.  And with eating comes - shall we say - a laxity of the rules.  A nibble here, a bite there, maybe I'm not drinking enough water, maybe I'm not exercising like I should be - it all adds up to a smaller weight loss. 
But it's still a weight loss!
Next week is my last week on the modified program, then I'm on masters.  I'll still do the program, just on my own with a less stringent group setting.  I can do this!

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