Thursday, July 24, 2014

Week 21 - + 0.4 lbs - 208.0 - 55.4 lbs gone

Ugh!  My first gain, and it happens to be on my last week of the program.  I wish I could have lost a little, or stayed the same, but I didn't. 

I've been transitioning to food, and I went camping last weekend.  Camping was so much fun - the boys had a blast!  Optifast, however, kinda went by the wayside.  It was hard enough figuring out what to cook over an open fire for the family, never mind trying to figure out how to keep on plan.  I did do my best by bringing salads, but I have to admit I had a s'more or two.  And maybe a hot dog, or two.  And maybe a piece of bacon, or 5.

So, I'm now officially on Masters.  Knowing I can always go back to the groups if I need to is a great safety net, but I'm hoping Masters will be enough support. 

So, after 21 weeks, I'm down from 263.8 lbs to 208.0 lbs.
I've gone from a 20/22W to a 16 Misses.
My snoring is gone and my back pain is gone.

I feel good!

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