Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 2 - 4.8 lbs - 11 lbs total - 259.4

4.8 lbs - not bad.  I took me 8 whole days to feel myself.  Then, I come down with a cold.  Figures!  That is why I'm posting on Monday instead of my weigh in day of Thursday.
I'm noticing that it's a lot harder this time to deal with the cravings due to my job.  Last time, I had my own office, so I could sit in my office and close my door during lunch time and it was fine.  Everyone else was in the lunch room.  Now, I'm in a pod, and I have 16 other people in the pod with me - and they are all foodies.  They start talking about food at 10 am.  They talk about food, they talk about what they are ordering for lunch, they talk about what they brought for lunch, they talk about what they had for breakfast this morning, supper last night, and what they are planning on having for a snack tonight.  There is no escape.  It's not that I'm hungry, mind you, I'm really not - but it's the cravings.  I want to eat it because it tastes good.  That is what got me into this problem in the first place.
Starting this weekend, I'm able to appreciate smells.  DH made corn on the cob for him and the kids, and I just wanted to smell it.  Just take in the scent - but I didn't crave it.  We'll see if this carries over to work tomorrow.
So, I tried not weighing myself daily - that was a total joke.  I'm not liking my numbers, but I'm still weighing myself.  I don't think I could go a week without weighting myself daily, because this is such a hard diet, I need to see some measurement of progress daily.  I need to make sure what I'm doing is succeeding in something.
We'll see how week 3 goes.  The numbers on my scale aren't too promising, but it's only Monday.

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