Friday, April 6, 2012


Aaaahhhhh........I love waking up on Fridays.  I've just finished another work week, and I'm looking forward to 3 days with Dave and the boys.  It's been a significant week - after all the moaning and groaning and agonizing over my job, I decided to stay.  When all was said and done, I would be making the same exact amount after factoring in all the health insurance costs, retirement, etc. I feel good about this decision, and (for now) this is the best choice for the family.  Work is very happy about this, and all is right with the world.
Weight wise - I'm not expecting miracles this week.  I've made poor food choices - but it tasted so good!  
I know I'm still stress eating, and when I'm stressed, I make bad decisions.  When my dad died, we were given his car.  Dave drives it mostly, but yesterday he needed the bigger car, as he was taking the kids and picking up my mother.  I was fine driving to work, and the work day was fine, but driving home at 7 pm, the sun was setting, and I put the visor down.  What do I see, but a palm from last year. 

My dad always got palms for my brother and I.  I was thinking last Sunday (as it was Palm Sunday) how this would be the first year I wouldn't have a palm.  My father would actually get it and mail it down to me in Georgia for the 6 years I was down there.  I'm not quite ready to go back to church just yet.  I tried - stayed for less than 10 minutes, and walked out. I'm just not there yet.

When I saw last year's palm, I audibly gasped, and then cried the whole ride home.  We're not talking pretty Hollywood crying - I'm talking red nosed, puffy red eyes, sobbing for my 15 minute drive.  Then, when I get home, Dave asked what was wrong and I cried again.  After about 30 minutes total of sobbing, I ate Chinese.  Before this, mind you, I had every intention on having a nice salad with chicken salad (basically, my lunch that I didn't eat because I ordered a steak and cheese).  I felt emotionally drained, and therefore, needed the comforting hug of fried rice and egg rolls.  It's not right - but hey, it's not like I got this size from eating apples and tofu.

Today will be better.  We'll go to the zoo, I'll take my camera and take some great pictures of the boys and the animals, It will (hopefully) get up to 60 degrees, and it will be nice.  Renewing.  Relaxing.

TGIF.  Today will be better.

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