Friday, August 25, 2017

Week 1 (almost) - 264.2 - down 6.2

My weigh in was was a day early, but down 6.2 lbs.
It's hard not to compare to my first time around, where I lost 8.8 lbs
I'm a little disappointed.  I know I shouldn't be, but I am.
The hunger is getting better.  I'm rarely hungry, really.  I want to eat because it looks/smells good, but not because I'm hungry.  Of course, this is what got me here in the first place.
Last time I weighted myself every day.  I think I'm going to try a week of not weighing myself daily and see how it goes.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Day 3

Today I worked - first day since vacation.  I knew I might be working late, so I brought 4 shakes just in case (learned my lesson from my last day 3 of my program).  I ended up having 4 shakes between 9:30 and 6.  I got home at 7 and had a soup.  I could have had a 6th shake with my Metamucil, but I wasn't hungry.  I tried mixing the Metamucil with my vitamin water, but I let it sit too long.  So, I mixed more with a cup of tea - and drank it as quickly as possible.  It started thickening up by the end and it was really difficult to finish.
I started with a headache at 3, and it's just not stopping.  I took some ibuprofen with my slimy tea (yuck!) and now I'm finally unwinding from my day. 
Day 4 - here I come!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Day 2

I have survived day 2!
I slept well last night - other than the 2 times I woke up to use the bathroom, and woke up at 7:15 when the kids woke up.  I wasn't hungry last night, and dis well this morning.
My first shake was at 9:30 - I had a chocolate shake with Torani SF brown sugar and cinnamon flavoring.  It tasted just like a gingerbread cookie!  I have to remember that mix.
My next shake was at 12:30 with lunch, then I started getting hungry and had the next shake at 2:50.  I had my soup at 5:45 - I was so hungry!  I sat with the family and had my soup.  My husband had one of my trigger foods - nachos.  It was so hard!  I had my soup and left the table right away.
So, now it's the end of my day.  About 6:30 I got a burst of energy - such a welcome change from the rest of the day.
I'm having my last shake in about 30 minutes.  I'm not hungry, and I'm feeling good.
Tomorrow I'm working.  It's my long day, but I'll have enough shakes and drinks to be comfortable.
Day 2 - feeling pretty good!

Day 1 - 270.4

So, the weight is from my last visit last week.  I didn't start the program right away because I was going on vacation.  We got home Friday, and Saturday morning was my official 1st day.
I learned some lessons from last time.  I cut back on my carb intake as much as I could on vacation.  I really think this helped this time around.
Day 1 -
For the first time in many, many, MANY years I slept in.  Dave woke up with the kids, and I slept in to 8:45.  8:45!  My kids are roosters - up at 7:03 like clockwork.  Sleeping in really helped with my first day.
My first shake was at 10 am.  Ok, I thought, I can do this again.  It's all coming back to me.  I had a big glass of water, and I was doing fine.  I planned on my next shake at 1 pm.
At 12:45 - the hunger hit me like a freight train.  I thought I was going to eat the counter.    I had my shake 15 minutes early, and the memories of the first time around came back - the starvation and the white knuckling it for the first few days.  So, I had my shake a little early, and after 15 minutes, I felt fine again.
The boys and I went to our friends house and went swimming.  I brought a shake with me.  We were in the pool, I was feeling fine, and someone announced it was 4:15.  I made it over my 3 hour mark, and still felt fine!  I drank another shake, and we packed up to head home.  Originally, our friends wanted us to have dinner with them - she bought muscles! - but I politely declined and went home.  There will be plenty of time for friend meals.
I was feeling a little funny around 6 - kinda fuzzy headed.  I made the kids supper and had my tomato soup with cayenne pepper.  By 7:30 I was tired.  I had a hard time getting the kids to bed, but I did it.  I held off until 8:30 to have my last shake - vanilla with Metamucil (tastes like a creamsicle) and I think I promptly fell asleep.
Hunger level at bedtime - 0/10.
Such a change from the first time around!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Boy, this place looks familiar.....

Hello!  Wow - has it really been 3 years since my last post??  Does anyone even read blogs anymore?  I'm running it old school and blogging again.
I'm sure you're just chomping at the bit for a brief synopsis of what's been going on for the past 3 years.  I've never been one to disappoint, so here we go!
They rest of 2014 - pretty smooth.  I continued working at my job with my long time friend and colleague. I precepted her in more FNP, and she got me back into CNM.  The patients were awesome ( low income Hispanic), my Spanish was coming along, the boys were being their awesome 4 year old selves,  and we were just cruising.  I was keeping the weight off.  I felt great!
All good things must come to an end.
April 2015 - we had a house fire.
Good news - we weren't home.  We were safe.  I won't go into the details - too long, too painful.  Just know we're safe, no one was hurt, we lost a whole lot of stuff, and at the end of the day, we sold the burnt out house to just move on with our lives.   This lead to months (and years) of healing.  We're not healed.  We know this.  But, we're getting there.
Through this, I had a 10 lb slip.  Still holding strong.
Then, in the middle of all this - dealing with banks and construction people and lawyers and insurance companies - my clinic decides to end it's contract with my employer.
This was the nail in the coffin.
During my time of unemployment - my husband decided he has to leave his job, too, and takes a job an hour away working nights and weekends and every single holiday.  We literally would go days without seeing him.  Total opposite schedules.  I felt like I was raising these boys on my own.
It was all too much, and I gained the weight back.
There was some really dark times, and the stress was overwhelming.  Through an amazing counselor and some amazing friends and an amazing antidepressant, I put 1 foot in front of the other and persevered.
I feel like now I'm really coming out the other side. We still live in an apartment, and the thought of owning a home sends me into a full blown hyperventilating panic attack, but I've come to peace with how I am right now.
My long time friend and colleague and I moved to a new clinic. We were there for a year and a half and she's moved on to more of a CNM role.  I can't blame her - she was a CNM first, and she's just so good at it!  I'll miss her, but I figure we've worked together in 3 jobs - I'm sure they'll be a 4th!
After 1 1/2 years of my husband working that awful job, he now has found one on days, and is reacclimating to the family.  Of course, he's already looking for another job, but that's another story for another time...
My boys are now 6!!  I know, right!? How did that happen??!?  They're entering 1st grade at the end of the month.
So now, I pull my head out of the sand, and, Whoa!!  All the weight is back.
So on Saturday.....I'm back to day 1 of optifast!