Saturday, March 15, 2014

Almost done with week 2 (this should have posted on 3/10 - ooops!!)

I weigh in tomorrow.  I did really well this week, and yesterday I felt really, really good.  I actually had to remind myself to drink my shake (that has never happened.  ever.).  I thought I was getting sick, or the time change, or something. 
I'm finding I want to eat out of habit, and not necessarily because I'm hungry.  800 calories and about 100 oz of water apparently does the trick on keeping me full!

I have a schedule

when I get up - 16 oz tea
9:30 - 1st shake
12:30 - 2nd shake
3:30 - 3rd shake
6 pm - soup
9 pm - last shake.

I bought a 20 oz water bottle, and I drink at least 2 of them a day, along with a 20 oz lifewater.  and sometimes (like tonight) no sodium broth I made myself. 

Today, I'm up to 92 oz of fluid. 

I'm buying stock in toilet paper. 

Tomorrow will be my weigh in.  I'm sure it will be fine, because I didn't cheat.  I stayed on the plan.
I wanted to cheat.  I had a couple of stressful moments, that I just wanted to devour a pizza, but I didn't.  I really, really wanted to.

I was talking to my boss today, and I was explaining every other time I lost weight, it felt like an elastic band.  The more weight I lost, the more the elastic band stretched, just wanting to jolt me back to my original weight.  It doesn't feel like that this time.  I'm not sure if it's the ketones, or what.  But, I'm hopeful it's going to work.

See you tomorrow!

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