Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Little things I've noticed in the past 4 weeks

Yesterday was the official end of 4th week/beginning of 5th week on Optifast.  I normally weight in on Tuesdays, but I had to change my official weigh in day to Thursday due to my new job.  (yay new job!)
I know it's stress related, but I've really been craving food for the past week.  I'm not hungry - I just want to eat food.  That is what got me into this mess in the first place!
Is it truly stress related, though?  Or, is it the fact that I've had the same flavors of food for the past 4 weeks.  Could be both.

Here are some things I've realized/noticed since starting Optifast

1)  Distraction works wonders. 

2)  Staying hydrated really makes a difference in my hunger level/weight loss

3)  Homemade no sodium chicken broth is a perfect way to get a little savory yumminess into your day - and helps with fluid intake!

4)  I NEED to find ways to deal with stress when I'm in a stressful situation.  Like a new job.  Which I have.  Now. 

5)  When I get hungry, that is my weakest time and when I want to cheat.  You can put a plate of nachos in front of me when I'm not hungry and I'm fine.  If I'm hungry and you put spam in front of me, I'm going to want it like a filet mignon. 

I've also seen some physical changes in me that are pretty darn cool -

6)  My 1 pair of pants - that were getting tight on me 4 weeks ago - now need to be tailored.  I wore them on Monday, and spent the entire day pulling them up.  :-)

7)  I had to go to the middle set of hooks on my bras.  Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but they were actually getting too big on me.  I've never, ever gone to the middle set of hooks. 

8)  My new pants that I bought 1 week ago that were a little tight now are much more comfortable this week.  In 1 WEEK!! 

On an entirely different note, but will fall under the "stress" category - my babies start preschool today.  They'll be fine, I'm sure, but I'm a flippin mess.  I made sure their first day was a day that I was out of work, so if they needed me I could run down and get them.  Hover mom?  Yup!

Okay, I'll let you know tomorrow about my 4th week weigh in!

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