Saturday, March 15, 2014

Week 2 - 251.6 - down 11.8 lbs!

Sorry!  I thought I already posted this - apparently not (haha)!

So, week 2 I stepped on the scale (on 3/11) and down another 3 lbs.  I'll take it!

At the end of week 2, I was doing better.  Very little dizziness, but I wanted to eat.  I realized it wasn't because I was hungry, I just remember what things taste like and I wanted to taste them. 
What did I do?  I distracted myself, and drank water. 
What did I want to do?  Eat pizza. 
But, I didn't.
Go me!

People are starting to notice the weight loss.  I had one co-worker ask if I was okay, because he noticed the weight loss.  I told him "Absolutely!" and  - on to tell him about the program. 

I'm finding I've been getting hungry and watching the clock 45 minutes before my next shake is due.  I just drink water, and try to distract myself. 

Some people distract themselves with fun things, like going for a walk, knitting, reading a book, etc.  I don't have time for that - I work and have 2 preschoolers. 
When I'm working, I figure out how many more patients I need to see before I can eat.
It doesn't seem to happen too much at home - I guess because I'm running around with the kids.

I'm still trying to get my footing with this program, and at this point I felt comfortable eating with people other than my family.

First, I took my kids to lunch at Corner Street Bakery (for those who don't know what that is, it's very similar to Panera Bread).  I ordered for the kids, got myself a caffeine free diet coke (which, btw, tasted horrible and I couldn't finish it.) and we sat down and they ate and I drank my shake.  It was nice to eat in a public place and feel comfortable drinking the shake.  The boys loved it (what 3 year old DOESN'T like PB &J?) and I felt it was a hurdle I was able to jump.

I felt like I could move on to the next step - eating with adults.  Later on last week, I had lunch with some co-workers.  Usually, due to our scheduling, I would eat alone.  I was fine with that - I had my water bottle and kindle, found a comfy place and relaxed.  Now, I was with 2 other people a the table - who were eating real food - and I sat there with my hot tea.  It wasn't awkward at all - I was surprised!  I think because I wasn't hungry, I wasn't tempted. 

Last but not least, I exercised for the first time today.  Only 20 minutes on the treadmill, but I didn't want to start out too much all at once.  I felt fine - kept my HR in the 120s - 130s.  I felt like my HR went up more running with the boys at the playground today - but that's just an added bonus, I guess!

Week 2 done....check
Eating at a restaurant....check
Eating with other adults.....check

Oh, and by my home scale today (4 days after my official weight in) I'm down to 247.4 - 16.2 lbs down. 
Just sayin.

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