Thursday, April 3, 2014

242.2 - officially lost 21.2 lbs

This week was much easier than last.  I'm not sure if it's because it is now my 2nd week in my new job, if it's hormones, or I've just snapped out of it.  Whatever the reason, I'm feeling much better now. 
So, I've officially hit the 20 lb mark!  I wanted to do something special to celebrate - what should I do?
What I wanted to do:  I first thought of getting a fitbit, seeing that I feel like I'm moving at my new job much more than I was at my old job, and it would be neat to see how far I actually walk.
What I actually did:  Got new breaks and headlights. 
Motivating, right?  Well, I came home and found out the car's trip to the shop cost $780.  Ouch!
I did decide, however, to join in on the kids' Easter pictures on Saturday.  What better way to celebrate a 20+ lb weight loss than by a really awesome pic of me and my sons. 
I think I'll enjoy that more than anything.

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