Monday, July 23, 2012

257 - The Little Engine That Could...

That's how I feel today.  I'm just chugging along - drinking my water, measuring my food, weighing my chicken.  I'm moving as much as I can, while finding that balance between work/home life/self. 

Didn't quite make that goal - nail polish still sitting on my desk.  Maybe next week...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

258.0 - Just Sayin...

I'm sore.  Well, maybe sore isn't the right word.  I feel intense burning and pain every time I straighten my legs - in my hamstrings, my glutes, and my hips.  So much so it would wake me up from a sound sleep last night.  Ibuprofen is my BFF right now. I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin.  And while I'm just sayin, I'm just hobblin, too. 

I came across an interesting facebook page the other day called "How to loose 100+ pounds".  Apparently this woman was 278 lbs at the beginning of her journey, and through exercise and calorie cutting, she lost 100 lbs.  "Good for her!" I thought.  She posts inspirational quotes and pictures about 15 times a day on her site - those feel good-type motivational quotes.  She also has a book which I downloaded.  She suggested making a main goal, and breaking it down further and further until you have daily goals.

Here's my breakdown:

WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs
QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs.
MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs.
WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs.

60 lbs seems like a lot, but when it's broken down, it's much more manageable.

Weekly, I'm going to add different goals, too.  This week, I'm going to exercise at least 3 times, and I'm going to have at least 2 water bottles full of water.

She also recommended I have another goal besides just the number on the scale. I've decided my goal is going to be to do a sprint triathalon by the end of next summer.  I have to add that into my goal setting, too, so:

WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs and have chosen a sprint Tri.

QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs. - This quarter, I will look into local Sprint Tris going on in the area this summer to see which ones I 'd like to do next summer.
MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs. - This month, I will work on increasing my cardio by doing different exercises
WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs.  - this week, I will exercise at least 3 times.

The last thing she mentioned was making sure you have rewards in place.  Lets add those to the list, too:

WITHIN 1 YEAR OF 7/5/12 (my official 're-start date'): loose 60 lbs and have chosen a sprint Tri. My reward will be a wonderful trip somewhere - site TBD.

QUARTERLY - the 5th of October, January, March, July: loose 15 lbs. - This quarter, I will look into local Sprint Tris going on in the area this summer to see which ones I 'd like to do next summer.  My reward for accomplishing these goals this quarter will be a new outfit.

MONTHLY - loose 5 lbs. - This month, I will work on increasing my cardio by doing different exercises.  My reward will be a pedicure - and when I hit 10 lbs I will get a massage.

WEEKLY - loose 1.25 lbs.  - this week, I will exercise at least 3 times. My reward will be a Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt.  (I know, I shouldn't use food as a reward, but I have twins - it's really hard to schedule things without them with just a week's notice!)

 I weighed in today - I'm going to keep my Sunday morning weigh-ins, even though I re-started on Thursday. 
I also did my measurements today - not pretty, to say the least.

Well, I'm almost half way there to my 5 lb monthly goal, and I already have my nail polish out for an upcoming pedicure. It's on my desk, next to my computer, just waiting to be used.  Just sayin.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Skewed estimation-o-meter

Yesterday was a good day. I tracked everything, and ended up using all my points by lunch.  Ouch!  Well, I see why it's important to keep measuring and tracking.  What I thought was 5 points of peanut butter ended up being 11 points.  No wonder I gained back my weight!  So, after lunch I took a walk with the boys to the library - something I love doing, but seeing it about 110 degrees with 362% humidity, it wasn't the best idea.  Nevertheless, I did walk 2 miles (round trip to the library) pushing the boys and believe you me, I made sure to track that!

I find if I plan something into the day, like exercise, I'm more apt to actually follow through.  My boys have been sleeping in, and I figured I would go first thing in the morning before they even woke up and be back right at breakfast time. This was going to be great - I'd get in a 30 minute walk on the treadmill and feel good about it. I slip out of the house, leaving my sleeping husband to watch the sleeping babies,  I get to the YMCA at 7:45.  I see there is a class called "Interval Training" at 8 am - it's a class that alternates step and weights.  "Oh please," I thought " no problem!  I just hope I get enough of a work out with this class."  Yeah...I overestimated my fitness level.  Just because I used to do 2-3 spin classes a week doesn't mean I'm still at that level apparently, because about 3 minutes into the warm up I wanted to send up a flare and wave my white flag.  60 minutes of this - really??!?!  Holy Guacamole!! Yes, I realized quite quickly I would have no problem getting in an adequate work out. On an intensity level of 1 - 10, my treadmill work out would have been about a 5 (when I thought it was closer to an 8) and the class was hovering around a 45.

Like so many of us, I realized I underestimate the amount of points/calories in food, and overestimate the level of difficulty in the exercises I do.  

It was a heck of a work out, but I know this was the hardest day.  Next week it will be easier.   And hopefully next time I won't need an 1 1/2 hour nap!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

And this is why I call it a "rollercoaster"....260.4

After a little hiatus, I'm back - 7 lbs heavier.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure I gained those 7 lbs in 2 days - just 'cause that's how I roll. 
I feel like it takes me moving heaven and earth to loose 5 lbs, which I can gain back after a really yummy meal at Outback.

I'm feeling more and more like myself as the days go by....I can now think of my dad without bursting out crying (although I do shed a few tears now and then).  I know I'm nowhere near normal (well, to be fair, I don't think I was ever "normal"), but let's just say I'm closer to fine.

So, today marks the 2 month mark until Dave goes back to school, and I thought this was a perfect re-starting off point.

I wanted to start from the beginning with the reasons I'm on this journey --

"What are the reasons I want to loose weight?"

1)  Now that the boys are getting older, I find myself sitting on the floor playing with them more (blocks, cars, etc).  I want to be able to get up and down from sitting on the floor easier - without having to use a crane.

2)  I want the boys to see me eating well and exercising.

3)  I know I'm at a higher risk of developing diabetes, since I had it during pregnancy.  I want to avoid that.

4)  I counsel over 85% of my patients a day on their weight and why it's important to loose weight.  Spending that much time talking to people about the importance of a normal BMI is sinking in.

5)  I want to delay developing arthritis, which is reeking havoc on my mom's hips, knees and back.

6)  I want to stop having back discomfort - started from lifting a patient, exacerbated by my twin pregnancy, and continues b/c I'm a Fatty McButterpants. 

7)  It would be nice to be active and afterwards not have body aches and walk like an 80 year old Parkinson's disease patient with a prosthetic leg.

8)  I'd like to motivate my husband, Dave, into eating healthier and loosing weight, too, to help his diabetes.  I want to keep him around for as long as possible.

I think these are 8 good reasons to keep me motivated for a little while.

I'm off to re-visit my Weight Watchers account and see what I'm going to have for breakfast. 

Here we go again......WEEEeeeeeeee!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

256.8 - yippee!

down 3.8 lbs!  I followed the program much more closely this week, and exercised. 
I guess I know what I'm doing next week to keep this going!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pictures don't lie, and I don't like the truth

I love my boys, and they are one of my main motivations to loose weight. 
Yesterday, we were playing on the couch.  They were taking my glasses and hat and putting them on - it was a really nice moment where we were laughing and playing, and my husband took some pictures on his iPhone. Whoa - I look 300 lbs!  Granted, we just came back from a 2.5 mile walk, but I really couldn't believe how I looked.  I will consider these pictures "before" pics. 
My motivation feels different this time - I feel more determined. 
I always considered anything below 253.8 to be there just for a visit, but not to stay.  Every time I try to loose, I do great until I get to 253.8, and I just can't get below that. 
I feel like weight loss is an elastic band, and the more I loose, the tighter the band gets - just waiting to snap back to my starting weight.  Once it gets to 253.8, that's it max and it will snap back.
I really hope it's different this time.  I'm fed up with this weight.  I'm more motivated than ever.

Big happenings!

Big "doins" happening in the our household!  This is a classic story of taking lemons and making lemonade. 
The lemon our family was handed was Dave getting fired from a job he's had for 12 years.  He never liked it, mind you, but it paid the bills and he became good at it.  He was never uncomfortable enough to do anything about it, so he was stuck in a job that he was very unhappy in and it was just the way it was.  When he got fired, it was such a dark time for us.  He was embarrassed to be working at a company that is the butt of many jokes - but he was more embarrassed to be fired from such a company. 
The other night, we were watching Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, and he kept stopping the show to tell me about when he worked in the kitchen, this happened and that happened.  This is very common when we are watching any type of cooking show.  I finally said to him "Why don't you go back to school to be a chef?"  He did it in VoTech in high school, and was in the kitchen for 4 years in the Navy.  Life happened after the Navy, and he ended up getting a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.  After trying for over a year to get a job in the legal system, he was so discouraged he got a job in retail.  Retail was supposed to be a bridge until he got a "real job", but once again, life happened and he stayed.  In the blink of an eye, 10 years passed and now he's 40.  Another blink, and 2 more years passed and now he's almost 42 and unemployed in a state with an over 13% unemployment rate. 
We went on a tour of Johnson & Wales University today.  It's one of the top 2 cooking schools in the country.  He was motivated enough to look at the website, sign up for an orientation, and look at the classes.  This may not sound like much, but this is H.U.G.E. for him.  He has an appointment with admissions on Wednesday.  Because he has his bachelors already, he can get an associates in 1 year. The tour was great and we got to taste some of the student's creations.  It was amazing!  The real amazing part of this whole story is that Dave is taking steps to better his life.  That right there is the lemonade part of this whole story.  He's not just letting life happen to him - he's choosing the path. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I play, I pay - 260.4

Yup, went up a pound. 

I'm really not surprised.  I'm actually glad it was only a pound. 

This week, I focused on tracking, and I tracked about 65-70% of my food (I missed a couple of days).  Some meals were good, some meals were not.  Some meals were pure stress eating/comfort food, some meals were laziness, and some just sounded good. (e.g. the steak and cheese sandwich I ordered at work instead of eating the healthy salad at my desk).

I'm sure the 1/2 bottle of wine I killed with my friend while eating what she calls "Jew Food" didn't help, either.

I was very tempted not to record my weight this morning, but that does not help with accountability. 

So, it is what it is - it was wings and beer and nachos and about a bag of Cadburry Mini Eggs (my absolute favorite!!). 

This week, I already have some recipes I'd like to try, and work starts their walking challenge.  We all got a fancy pedometer and we have to walk 5000 steps a day.  I can do that!

So - this week, I'm going to walk more, eat better, but (realistically) still cheat because it's Easter.  The good thing is Sunday is my weight in day, so I have a whole week to work of the damage I do today.

Cheers, everyone!  Happy Passover, Easter, or just plain old Sunday!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Aaaahhhhh........I love waking up on Fridays.  I've just finished another work week, and I'm looking forward to 3 days with Dave and the boys.  It's been a significant week - after all the moaning and groaning and agonizing over my job, I decided to stay.  When all was said and done, I would be making the same exact amount after factoring in all the health insurance costs, retirement, etc. I feel good about this decision, and (for now) this is the best choice for the family.  Work is very happy about this, and all is right with the world.
Weight wise - I'm not expecting miracles this week.  I've made poor food choices - but it tasted so good!  
I know I'm still stress eating, and when I'm stressed, I make bad decisions.  When my dad died, we were given his car.  Dave drives it mostly, but yesterday he needed the bigger car, as he was taking the kids and picking up my mother.  I was fine driving to work, and the work day was fine, but driving home at 7 pm, the sun was setting, and I put the visor down.  What do I see, but a palm from last year. 

My dad always got palms for my brother and I.  I was thinking last Sunday (as it was Palm Sunday) how this would be the first year I wouldn't have a palm.  My father would actually get it and mail it down to me in Georgia for the 6 years I was down there.  I'm not quite ready to go back to church just yet.  I tried - stayed for less than 10 minutes, and walked out. I'm just not there yet.

When I saw last year's palm, I audibly gasped, and then cried the whole ride home.  We're not talking pretty Hollywood crying - I'm talking red nosed, puffy red eyes, sobbing for my 15 minute drive.  Then, when I get home, Dave asked what was wrong and I cried again.  After about 30 minutes total of sobbing, I ate Chinese.  Before this, mind you, I had every intention on having a nice salad with chicken salad (basically, my lunch that I didn't eat because I ordered a steak and cheese).  I felt emotionally drained, and therefore, needed the comforting hug of fried rice and egg rolls.  It's not right - but hey, it's not like I got this size from eating apples and tofu.

Today will be better.  We'll go to the zoo, I'll take my camera and take some great pictures of the boys and the animals, It will (hopefully) get up to 60 degrees, and it will be nice.  Renewing.  Relaxing.

TGIF.  Today will be better.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

5 hooters hot wings = 24 points


On my road back to try to loose weight, any WW person will tell you step one is tracking.  Sunday, I went to a friend's birthday party at hooters.  I was able to relax and have fun (probably the first fun I've had in a very long time).  I had 12 wings, a yummy Sam Adams, fried pickles and birthday cake.
I didn't start tracking until Monday (yesterday).  I had leftover wings, which I devoured after a 12 hr day, and going to BJs on the first of the month (won't be dong that again!).  I came home hungry, tired, and my back was killing me - which reminded me how much I needed to get back to the gym.
I ate my 8 wings, plus chips and dip, and blissfully sunk into bed.  Today, I tracked everything I ate yesterday.  I ate 72 points!!! 46 was supper.  I can't even tell you how shocked I was when I tracked that.  It's even more motivation to go back to the gym - to gain some activity points back.

I'm glad I didn't track Sunday!

(I'm sure this is what I would look like if I continued eating beer and wings)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I took a 2 month hiatus.  So much has happened since 1/27/12 that I can barely keep up. 
The loss of my father was so much harder than I ever thought I could handle.  I wasn't sleeping, I was crying all the time.  I tried to go back to work after 1 week, and it wasn't pretty.  Monday was just really hard, and on Wednesday we had an emergency of someone having a heart attack.  We worked on her, and she was stable going into the ambulance, but once it was all said and done - I could barely keep myself composed.  Why couldn't someone have done that for my dad?  Why couldn't he have had the chance we gave this patient?  I took the rest of the week off. 
As I was working through my grief, my husband gets fired from a job he's had for 11 years.  Part of the reason was the time he took off for my dad's death.  Ouch!  So now, I have lost my father, and have a husband who is almost comatose with depression, and a job that doesn't pay me nearly enough.
Money isn't everything - but it sure does help!  When I had the boys, I went back to work 30 hrs a week.  I would also carry the health insurance.  We didn't know the boys would be early, and we would need the good health insurance.  Well, the good health insurance is $800/month.  Add on top of that my income is cut by 25%, and now 2 more mouths to feed.  Add it all up, and what do you get = the savings dwindling at a fantastic rate. 
For a year, I tried making it work - cancelling cable, no more vacations, no more going out to eat, no more going out at all.  Still, we just didn't make enough.  Diapers are expensive.  Formula is expensive.  Now, that they are eating food - food is really expensive. 
By the time January hit, we dipped below a number in our savings that scared me a bit.  So, on 1/26 - the day before my dad died - I emailed my boss asking for a meeting.  Then, all hell broke loose, and I was hoping she wasn't emailing me back because she knew I was out on bereavement time.  When I got back I emailed her again - still no response.  I physically went into her office and set up a meeting for the following Wednesday.  That Saturday, Dave got fired.  I kept holding onto the meeting - "It will be okay, I'm meeting with Brenda on Wednesday." I kept saying.  I'm sure they will give me some type of raise - I've been there for 4 years, no raise in almost 3 years, and I"m the most productive person there, month after month.  That Wednesday I get to work and I have an email - cancelling the meeting. She has a more important meeting to attend.  I email her back - telling her I can meet any time - before work, after work, on my day off - it doesn't matter, I just need to meet with her.  I email her Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  No response.  On Saturday, I get an email from HR saying she's just too busy to meet with me, and to talk to the department director and if he feels it's important he'll bring it to her.  Now, it's been 5 weeks since the first email.  I got the big "F*@( YOU!!" from administration.  So, I start looking for another job. 
I interview, and get another job offer.  Now, my current job comes back with an astronomical raise amount.  Really?  Now you want to talk?  I feel a bit bitter that it had to get to this point for them to budge, and now they're giving me a landslide.  Where were you 7 weeks ago?  I had been trying for the past year to get more hours, or more money, or something to help with our financial situation - and I was told absolutely not because they couldn't afford it. Where they lying?  I just don't get it.
I hate to leave the job because I have friends there, I know my job, I'm a big fish in a little pond.  But I'm thinking - kids are going to just get more expensive, and I can't live on this rate of pay forever.  There is no guarantee of a raise where I'm at now, but there is at the new facility.  What do I do?

I guess I just need to close my eyes and jump.

So, there is my life in a nutshell - and why I just haven't cared about my weight. 
I'm working to get back to where I was motivated about my health - motivated about myself - again. 
Slowly but surely I am getting there.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

On the road to healing.

The wake is done, the funeral is over, and this is the first day after all the pomp and circumstance to learn how to live. The wake was amazing - about 250 people came - everyone from barn friends, American Legion, Knights of Columbus, old neighbors, old co-workers, distant relatives, and more.  I felt loved and supported, and I knew my father was loved by so many.
The funeral was challenging, but really beautiful.  With a little pushing, I was able to get up and say a few words about my father.  This is what I said:

-          When Father Lopez asked me to write down a few things about my father, I realized how hard it is to summarize a man like Dick Blade in just a few sentences.
-          Career Military
-          Lifelong civil service
-          Member of the Knights of Columbus, ARCC, and American Legion.
-          Loved his wife, Sue, and they just celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary on Wednesday, January 25th. 
-          He loved his 2 children, Michelle and Matthew and his two dogs, Molly and Millie.
-          Just became a grandfather to twin boys – Jonathan and James.  He and Sue would babysit them 3 days a week.  He would sneak them popsicles and pretzels – all the things Mommy wouldn’t give them.  He felt the sun rose and set on these boys.
-          But, the most important member of the family – the one that tops all others – is Misha the horse.
-          He was lucky enough to have a “barn family”, who he became very close to and really enjoyed their company.
-          He had many hobbies, one of which is wood working.  He would make heirloom quality chairs, cradles, toy boxes and rocking chairs.  You always knew when he was working because he would whistle.
-          He had a passion for old cars.  Driving down the road, he knew the make, model, and year of any car older than 1979.
-          He was a collector of – everything!  He had at least 4 of everything – 1 he used, 1 for back up, and 2 in the box “just in case.”
-          If I had a nickel for every time I needed something, and he would dig it out of the basement and say “see, aren’t you glad I saved that?”, I’d be a billionaire.  It would be anything from empty coffee cans, to replacement Christmas lights – if you could think it, he had it.
-          He always wore a pocket t-shirt with a box of tic tacs in the pocket.
-          He was a member of this parish for 43 years, never missing a Sunday mass. Both of his children were baptized here, made their first communion, and confirmations here.
-          He collected coins.  Any trip I went on, I knew if I brought him back coins, it would make his day.
-          He had a huge garden, with tons of tomato plants. 
-          Sometimes I felt like he was a 2 year old, because his favorite words were “Mine” and “No”, but he would give you the shirt off his back in a second – he just wanted it to be his idea.
-          So here’s to Dick Blade – Husband, Father, Grandfather, Uncle, Brother, co-worker, barn mate, neighbor and friend.  He was a grumpy old man, but he’s OUR grumpy old man. 
-          It’s an honor and privilege to be your daughter.
 He had a military burial, it was lovely.  

Monday, January 30, 2012

Today is gonna suck

I was up until 2 am, and as soon as the clock hit midnight, I knew it was Monday.  I'm not ready for Monday.  His wake is 4-7.  I'm so sad and scared.  I never went though the bartering stage of grieving, because there was nothing to barter.  He's gone.  There was no limbo of life support.  There is no anger.  He went so incredibly quickly, and as a medical professional, I know everything was done.  The decision was made for us. 
I made/still making his collages.  Looking through these pictures I'm remembering so much of his life.  I feel hollow - like there is a hole in my chest.  I just don't know how to be me without him.  I guess that's how we feel about our parents - they have been in our lives since our first breath, since our first moment of existing. 
Now I have to say goodbye to the first man who loved me, who was always there for me.  I hope he felt peace and bliss with his last moments on this earth.  I imagine his parents and grandparents there, his dogs and horse.  I wonder if his life flashed before his eyes? I wonder what his last thought was?  I wonder if he is going to miss us?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My father died..

 Richard Charles Blade 1/1/44 - 1/27/12

This has nothing to do with my fat to fit journey, but it definitely is a roller coaster. 

Yesterday morning, I was sitting at the ktichen table, working on our taxes - I just put the babies to bed, and Dave was getting ready to go out.My phone rings - it's my mom.  I didn't think too much of it, because I just got off the phone with her, telling her how Jonathan started signing yesterday - the word for "more". "Your father fell out at the barn, he still has a pulse, they're working on him now."  Relaxed to panic mode in 0.25 seconds.  "I'll meet you at the hospital - no, wait, I'll go to the barn first, just in case they are still working on him there."  I throw some clothes on, brush my teeth really quick - crying every 30 seconds, and I'm out the door.  Dave is calling his parents to watch the kids.  I start heading towards the barn, flashing my lights and honking my horn at anyone who is going under 60 mph (mind you, the speed limit is much lower than that).  I talk to God.  I plead with God.  Please, God, please save my dad.  Just keep him alive long enough for me to get there.  Just let me say goodbye.  I knew God couldn't accommodate me, because I felt it in my heart - he was gone.  I get to the barn, and the barn folk say they took him to Kent County Hospital.  They look at me and say they're sorry.  I'm heading to the hospital - long ride on back roads to the hospital.  I'm not dumb - I was an ER nurse for years.  They don't work on a person at the seen if they are stable.  I'm 1 exit away from the hospital and my Mom calls.  "Michelle, he's gone. They couldn't save him."  No, no, no, no,no - I'll be there in a few seconds.  I get to the hospital, park in a handicap spot because I can't think enough to find a legal parking spot, and run in.  They direct me to the family room -  never a good sign. 
I hug my mom and brother.  Mom and I head back to see him.  The medical examiner didn't see him yet, so they kept all the IVs and intubation tubes in.  We walk into the room, and there he is.  He's still warm.  I adjust his head, and wrap a towel around the intubation tube (they did this for James when he was intubated, and it was a little better).  I gave my mom a moment alone, and stood outside the room frantically trying to call my husband, Dave.  I go back in - I hold his hand, I touch his head, I kiss his forehead. I pray for him, I tell him I love him, and I've always been daddy's little girl.  I apologize for ever making him angry.  Dave then walks in and I break down crying.  Later on, Dave said he could actually feel my pain before he went into the room - it was that palpable. 
I wish they had a grief counselor there - I think the RN was a bit out of her realm.  She didn't know when the medical examiner was going to be there, and I asked her to call the priest, and she seemed a bit shocked we would ask that.  Once the medical examiner came, and they removed the intubation tube, we all went in.  The minister came and she was good - not Catholic, but she gave the last rites.  When mom is ready, we leave.  I tuck him in, and we go.  I'm numb.  I alternate between crying and just being comatose.  No matter how old you are, you always feel too young to loose a parent.
The rest of the day is spent comforting my mom and brother, going through his safes to get his military paperwork so he can have the veteran's funeral he wanted, scripting his obituary and finding a picture.  I'm going to miss him terribly, but I am also scared of the future.  The rest of my life is a long time to live without him.  My mother has never been alone - she literally went from her father's house to her husband's house.  They were married 43 yeas on Wednesday - they were planning on going out to dinner on Friday to celebrate their anniversary.
One of the barn people called.  She told us he looked blue when he got out of the car that day - they told him to see a doctor, he said "I've got to feed Misha."  He loved that horse more than anything.  If he was going to die, I'm glad it was there with the horse.  They saw him go down, and they started CPR right away.  He wasn't alone (which is what I was afraid of).  They did everything they could.  It was his time.
It's such a strange feeling to be so helpless.  When my mom had cancer, it was a different type of anxiety and fear - but I felt like I had a little control, as to chemo and such.  This was so incredibly sudden.  It was all over by the time we knew anything was going on. No time for anything.
I love you, Dad.  Rest in Peace.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Not bad, if I do say so myself!  I'm heading in the right direction again.  I realized this week just how important tracking really is to success.  I tend to cheat - a bite here, a little bit there, and my first instinct is to not write it down.  If I don't write it down, I didn't eat it.  Well, with that mindset, I'm only hurting myself.  So, every extra bite here and there - I counted it. If that's what it takes, that's what I'll do.
I ended up making a yummy pork roast for the first time, and we ate off of it for about 4 days.  Even the babies liked it - I put it in the chopper with apple sauce, and they ate it with no problems.
I'm 3 lbs away from a 10 lb weight loss.  I would like to give myself a treat.  Any ideas??

Sunday, January 15, 2012

256.8 - I'm making progress

It's a loss.  I'm very proud of myself for eating my full amount of fruits and veggies every day.  I averaged 8-9 servings a day.  I find that if I have my oatmeal for breakfast with an apple and/or berries, and a huge salad (4 cups of leafy greens, 1 cup tomatoes, 1 cup mushrooms, some berries thrown in) I've reached my fruit and veggie quota for the day.   If I decide to have veggies with supper - great! If not, well, I'm not sweating it.

So, as I was on the computer the other day, I came across this ad:

 OUCH!!  It stopped me in my tracks.  Of course, that's what it's supposed to do.  It's getting the adults talking.  It's making them uncomfortable - exactly with it's meant to do.  I'm wondering, though, if this is the best way to go about it.  I wonder if there will be in increase in eating disorders from these ads.  Overweight kids might see this ad, and just stop eating, or binge/purge.  They may do something like the skittles diet, or live on red bull and No-Doze.  I don't see them having the forethought to purchase healthy food choices.
The parents, however, should take action.  Turn off the TV.  Find a way to get your kids eating better and out moving. It's definitely easier said than done, but you have to at least try.  YOU ARE THE PARENT, and you need to lead by example.  This philosophy is changing the way I live.  My boys are still young, but I have not fallen into the trap that some of the other mothers of toddlers have fallen into.  My boys get some type of veggies/fruits at every meal, and I try my hardest to make sure all their meals are homemade.  No canned/jarred meals for them.  I'm proud of myself for doing it.  I'm trying to set good examples now.  It takes prior planning, but it's something that is important to me. I'm shutting off the TV, I'm exercising, and I'm eating better.  I'm not perfect - I have slip ups, but my boys are seeing me at least try.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yay! My computer is "fixed"!

It was never really, broken, really, but I couldn't figure out how to log on with Firefox.  I would have to go to our antiquated desktop to post.  Well, due to the fact that our desktop showed the Blue Screen of Death, I was forced to change the settings on my lapop, and - viola!- I can post!

So, as of 1/1/12 - I was 260.  It was a rough holiday week.  No excuses - I ate too much.  I enjoyed cookies and fudge. I ate prime rib and finished it up with pie.  My boss even brought me in a scotch egg - a glorious invention that is a hard boiled egg, wrapped in ham, and rolled in corn flakes and fried.  I had it with mustard - and a side of Lipitor.  My boss is a foodie, too, and he's an AMAZING cook.  For New Years, I enjoyed a few sangrias, some cheese Alouette and crackers, and hot wings. Soo...I wasn't surprised when I stepped on he scale and I was back up there.

Since then, I've been going back down.  Weigh in is tomorrow - and I feel pretty good.

One thing I did get for Christmas was a brand new DSLR Canon Rebel camera!!!  I've taken so many great pictures (99% of them of my boys) and I absolutely LOVE IT!!  As soon as I figure out how to watermark my pictures, I'll be posting more.

So, until tomorrow's weigh in....have a great night!